No Room Left Behind!

Guest Room Courtesy of Apartment Therapy

Long ago I read Karen Kingston’s enlightening book, “Creating Sacred Space With Feng Shui,” and much of what I read has become a building block for how I work with my clients to define their current and future space. When it comes to clutter, Kingston’s belief is that we are tied to everything in our home by invisible strings of energy.

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All Your Stuff = A Disastrophe Waiting to Happen

photo from

We have too much freaking stuff. I’m not kidding you. I know you know it. I know you probably live it. It’s how I met some of you (thankfully!) and it’s the reason I keep doing what I do. I want to help you. I really do. However, you have to want my help. You have to be ready to get help. As my new client Janel says of working with me, “You have to be willing to get rid of a lot of shit!”

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