Big Things Come in Small Packages

My love affair with succulents continues. I have just discovered the beauty of Carpet Sedum which is so soft and spongy that I have a hard time keeping my dirty little hands off of it! It looks so elegant in a worn stone urn that it would be as perfect indoors as it would be out.
Recently, a client of mine showed me one of her Apartment 46 succulents, now in full bloom. The plant itself was a mild, soft, unassuming thing that had a calming appearance. Now, it’s gone mad with such crazy and riotous blossoms that it has completely changed the look of the plant altogether!

Although they are extremely small, with Macro photography, she was able to capture the delicate, complicated, flowers so that we could enjoy them even more. I’m continually amazed by the shape-shifting nature of succulents. SO cool!

Although they are fairly common, of all the bright and happy flowers in existence, I think Sunflowers are by far the cheeriest. One giant, bright yellow, Sunflower propped in a worn silver mercury glass vase is ridiculously stunning with no other adornment needed. It seems like a shame to arrange them with anything not as big or rowdy as they are. When you’re feeling a bit blue, a simple mix of big and small Sunflowers in a cobalt blue vase is sure to cheer you up the moment you see it. They are also long-lasting, and provide more than a week’s worth of color for your space.

I’ve found a grower in Half Moon Bay that is now supplying me with the most perfect Dahlias (deep, blood red) and gorgeous, long-lasting Sunflowers I’ve ever seen. The fact that they are organic and family-farmed makes them that much more beautiful to me.

You don’t always need a big bunch of razzle dazzle flowers or an expensive, hard to care for plant to vastly improve your space. Sometimes the simplest things are the most perfect. I recommend hitting the local farmer’s market for a bouquet of bright, yellow, blooms this weekend!

Much joy to you,

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